In the example code HashMap is used to demonstrate traversal of a Map. Loop through the items of a HashMap with a for-each loop. HashMap iteration using for-each and iterator Java example Java 8 onwards you can also use forEach statement.You can use either an iterator or a For-Each loop to iterate through a Map.Now, when you know about these three methods let's see how these methods can be used to loop through a HashMap in Java. The article mainly focuses on the methods to iterate HashMap in Java.
The methods to modify HashMap have also been described. Scope of Article This article discusses the implementation of HashMap. We have discussed six different ways in this article. Collection values()- This method returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map. There are several methods to iterate a HashMap in Java.Set keySet()- This method returns a set that contains the keys of the map.
The entries in the set are actually object of type Map.Entry. I was doing: for (Object key : map.keySet ()) if (something) map.
Overview In this article, we'll see how to use HashMap in Java, and we'll look at how it works internally. This means that it returns a set of all the keys in the hashmap that can be used to iterate through the keys or perform other operations on them. A Guide to Java HashMap Last updated: JWritten by: Michael Krimgen Java + Java Map reference Get started with Spring 5 and Spring Boot 2, through the Learn Spring course: > CHECK OUT THE COURSE 1.